Sunday, February 28, 2010
Okay, my phone spoilt, after using for 6 mths only... Should be virus attack. Can start up, but will hang after it reaches the home screen. Now using a Nokia 5130 XpressMusic. No wifi, no internet, but music player hell lot better. Damn... Screw it. Now need use my own money buy new phone. I'm gonna get that bloody e63 fixed, sell it at around $150~200, then get a new phone. I'm thinking of N5800 CFM. $450. Something that is good and somewhat affordable. I wanted HTC Hero, but it is like $800+... This time, no contract de... Next available contract will be this August. And my contract ends somewhere before my 18th birthday. Like wtf?! Lol... Can't wait. Gonna get that touchscreen phone no matter what. And there goes my dream of getting my electric guitar.
Now I'm wondering. I have two routes in my taekwondo life.
One. Go back to my old instructor, but sacrifice work on Saturday, which will result in 50% less of my own income when school repoens, and definitely less personal expenses.
Two. Go to tkd club in SP. Training's on Tues and Fri, school times, so still can work on weekends. BUT. I have to start all over from white belt cos my old instructor will only give me my cert after I reach my black belt.
So. ONE or TWO? I asked quite some people. I had 4 replies. 2 told me "it's up to you", 1 told me to start anew, 1 told me that loyalty is important. Yes. Loyalty is important, I know. But I wanted to work for my own expense, so I don't need to keep asking money from my mum. Aww.. Dilemma.
12:32 PM
I was feeling kind of bored, so started taking random pics of my stuffs. Waste almost 5 hours on it. Pictures on facebook.
4:05 AM
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Was either too busy or lazy this week, so never post, but I did typed an incomplete draft in my phone. So a whole week update then.
Monday, went out watch Little Big Soldier with Jamus, kh and zh. The plot isn't really great. A bit of action, a bit of comedy. The ending was abrupt. Jackie Chan return to his homeland, only to find that the Qin army had taken over his country, and he kena shot to death. Yeah. Then say that Qin unite China, and lights up! Lol... But, it was damn funny, in the wrong way. It's like, they are hitting each other's wounds, it should be 'awww', but we laughed because the expression was priceless. But there were some scenes that were just hilarious, like jackie chan fake that he got shot by a crossbow. The prince merely fired one shot, not on jackie chan, but two fell. Damn. We were laughing like crazy. Haha..
Tuesday. No work. So went to polyclinic as planned. Doctor said that I have a loose knee joint, so wrote letter to SGH. Appointment next month.. Haiz.. Best thing is that the doctor check only one knee, I had to tell the clerk at the referral room to change to two knees instead. Lol...
Wednesday. Worked 1.30 to 9. Erm, nothing much, except that we had two managers from other store on shift. Seriously feel like punching them in the face. They anyhow whack de.. Kitchen only 2 person then pull one out sweep and mop. Counter front only 2 counter crew and one runner that disappears most of the time, then call counter crew go do lobby. Then when I wanna punch out, the manager call me go sweep and mop whole kitchen. I felt like punching her instead of punching out, cos my throat was dying after talking for so long at the counter, then she dun let me off, plus I came 30 mins early to relieved two crews, then dun let me go off on time, FUCK U BITCH!!! Lol... Not worth boiling over such lousy managers.
Okay, thursday. Went out with Jamus to settle the enrolment. Kh supposed to come, but he lazy so nvr. My mp3 died on me.. I played it thru the whole night. Resorted to phone's player. And it sucks. So ate prawns mee for lunch at white sands fc. Then went for medical checkup. Height and weight, eyesight, colour deficiency, urine sample, blood pressure, body checkup. Erm, took about 30 mins. Lucky we came earlier. Cos when we were halfway thru it, at least 10 poly-to-be students came in.. We left with the clinic full off people. Then went to Tampines for xray. Stomachache. Must be the prawnmee. Jamus also kena. Lol... Then xray was quite fast. Go in, less than one minute, then out... The wait was longer lor... Then received call from the clinic. They say I never sign the form, need go back. Waste my 69 cents cos u guys Nvr check.. Lol... Then went to Jamus' house photocopy ic, and recharge my mp3 Sat for an hour or two, while looking at Jamus bot in Runescape, rp in battlemaster, played a bit chinese chess with him, and charging my mp3, then went home. Nothing much.
Friday. Went to have my passport photo taken. Then photocopy all the documents. Sent the white envelope, which was due on 2 mar. Then mum bought a new phone at the post office. Not bad. Corded and wireless, and an additional wireless phone charger.. Then went to work. Screwed up abit at counter. Kelly came back, AT LAST. Lol... Made us laugh alot. Those at the counter front, Rashidi, Salleh and Kelly we imitating our Philippine training manager, saying McDonalds into 'Mark'Donalds. Everything changed to 'Mark'. 'Mark'Chicken, 'Mark'Spicy, Big 'Mark'... Lol... Damn evil.. But the training manager wasn't angry.. Oh.. I ask Auntie Jenny to throw away the apple pies, then I said: "Auntie Jenny! Waste diao! (referring to the apple pies). "Huh! 你要我waste diao?你这个人啊..." Oops. Lol...
Today! Okay. Spent time typing on the phone. Was smsing peiyun, she's in taekwondo leh! Like, Omg?! And helping Suwern with the enrolment, as requested by Jamus. Lol... Then typing this blog post. Later going down to tkd class find my instructor. Damn long never visit them. Plus need ask for my cert, and acquire permission to practice tkd under another instructor in sp. I wanna join tkd in sp, but like betraying my current instructor, for he taught me for 3 and a half years, and even said before about loyalty. Damn hard to open my mouth. Cos sp tkd trains on tuesday and friday, then saturday I working. So I have to work instead of going for tkd. So, damn hard lor... Haiz.. That's for later.
Tmr. Mum's birthday. Sis got mum a sk2. $120.. Later need withdraw money cos splitting cost. Goin out eat at some hk restaurant in somerset. We'll try not to let our mum pay.. Lol...
Okay, that's about it. My phone's half-charged. So, cya...
*Okay, fuck it my english sucks, so what? Ris low's english isn't better than mine! Damn it... *
***getting over you is harder than it seems***
2:15 PM
Monday, February 22, 2010
I finally learnt the true meaning of "Curiosity killed the cat." Yes. It happened to me at work. Out of curiosity, I fondled with a cover below the counter screen. I see some of the crew fondling with it, and I tried it. It seems to be hollow inside, and I stuck my finger inside. And poop. This screen all XP user see came up.
Next I heard Marcus screaming my name. I stepped back, shocked. Then all the screens in all the store went berserk. There was an error box on every screen. I was at a lost of words. While my counter restarted, everything LAGGED. For at least 10 secs each time. I felt stupid, even after the few minutes, and screwed up the next 10 orders I took. Haiz... And worse still, when I knocked off from work, I counted my drawer's money wrongly, and it was outrageously wrong. $374 is the expected sum I was supposed to count. Then I counted $356+ only. I led Zul had an 'eye-opener'. His eyes were really BIG. He counted the notes, and it was already $356. I felt stupid. Really stupid.
12:29 AM
Friday, February 19, 2010
This is a very random rant. Lol... It kind of suck to sleep around 5-6am everyday and wake up after 1pm. How am I gonna to survive when school reopen? Lol... Okay. Anw, I've officially started counter. Need to count money. But I still suck. Lol... Going work le.. Cya,
*A random thought: Will it work if I freeze my ribena syrup into ice cubes, then drop them into hot water when I want to drink? Mmm...*
5:22 PM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Booo.. Okay. Felt like posting now. This post's about CNY, but more of working on CNY, read if u want, cos I'm gonna be very luoshuo. Erm... CNY was, okay?! Lol... Reunion dinner at Putian@City Square Mall. Food not bad la.. Ate my fill. Erm, not supposed to bai nian this year mahh.. So went to work lor... Erm, worked from 7.30 to 11.30pm on CNY eve. Rather shiok. Cos no customer de.. Then I split function help counter runner and mds (mcdonalds delivery service) runner. Mds runner is fun!! Learn abit mds counter. Quite cool.
Went to my grandpa's then aunt's hse on day one. My aunt's family was crazy over mahjong, so played along with them. Was rather Lucky that day, won a few dollars. Haha.
Went to work on second day. 3-11. Down crew. But not much customers too. Kitchen then runner. Kitchen damn cham. Cos all the experienced one all on leave, then I was the most experienced one inside, with 2 months plus of experience only. The other two were new crew, around a month only. Then manager rotate crew positions, put training manager with me, but, still he not sure of the procedures lor... Almost 'died' inside lor... No one did the cleaning, stocking up, procedures aren't followed blah blah.. Plus orders came as a bulk. Like, 4 File-o-fish, then few seconds later 5 McChicken, then suddenly 3 20pcs Nuggets... Lucky kena pulled out, then swapped by a crew leader, if not no product. Then split runner again! Got a lot of mds orders, so end up mds runner only. Damn hiong. Cos the mds counter crew very tired too. Then got a lot of orders, need 2 managers plus him then clear all the orders. I actually raised my voice a little suddenly, then J tot I angry le.. Lol... Then she call me go home on time, cos she 'scared' I shout again. LOL. But it was fun la..
Worked on third day too. Relatives from maternal side came, but I went off for work after an hour. Heard they gambled. Zzz.. I wanna play!!!! D= Same thing at work. Rotated between kitchen and runner. I wasn't as enthu as the previous day. Then one crew deesiao me.. I go back that time buy mega prosperity meal, cos 17 is the last day of promotion, so buy and eat for the last time lor.. Then gave the crew $50-note, cos that's all I have. Then he koped $40 from my change then play around with it, ended in J's pockets, but she also never return me at first. But returned me when the crew walked away. Then he came back, this time take my phone.. Lol... Went around abit, then I took it back. Lol...
4-11 ytd, runner almost whole day. More customers today, plus I split runner, for two counters and mds, so abit tiring. Then one hour before going home went kitchen, let closer crew go break first. Erm, then like 15 mins later when out help counter crew. Mass amounts of customers. Then back to kitchen again, then manager call me go counter, give the last counter crew break. For 15 mins, I did counter, served two customers, erm, which includes collecting money. Blehhh.. Was damn kanchiong la.. Lol...
Anw, watching a bit of shows here and there. "Code Geass" & "Black & White"(chinese drama), courtesy of Shunyi?! Lol... Erm, I'm starting to accept kpop now. Erm, dance hits only..
Okay, gonna work soon. Bye bye..
4:04 PM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
"Huh??? Tmr CNY Eve le ah?? Ohh.." that was my reply to my mum ytd. Wow. CNY is like, TMR! Okay. Not very excited though. I'm going for my reunion dinner soon, at some restaurant downtown. Aunt's coming to fetch us in a jiffy. Erm, after reunion dinner still gotta rush back home get changed and go work until 11.30. Okay, Aunt's here.. Bye Bye! Enjoy peeps!
3:23 PM
Friday, February 12, 2010
I feel tired everytime I work, so can't sit down and do a proper post. Drained from work I guess.. Tmr will be rather busy in the morning. Haiz.. Okay.. Turning in..
1:05 AM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Wad happens when u are working at mcdonalds', and have very nice crew? I wanna buy some food home, so I ordered a mcnugget student meal, upsized, coffee for drink, plus one apple pie. So the price list:
1 Coffee - $1.85
1 SS Nug 6pc+Med Fries - $2.90
1 Apple Pie - $1
Total out - $5.75
So, I handed my crew leader $5.80, and he pass me the 10 cents back, then gave me LARGE fries instead of Medium fries, gave me 3 lids when I ask for double lid, and gave me extra curry sauce. Then when I reach home, and sat down to eat, I realise that I have 7 nuggets in my box, and an extra apple pie. So, wad I got was:
1 Coffee - $1.85
1 SS Nug 6pc+MF upsized - $3.15
2 Apple Pie - $2
Total - $7.00
Saved $1.30 from a cool crew leader, and the dude inside the kitchen =D.
Lunch ytd at Simei 18 Chef with JY, SY, MG and Jovyne. Sat around and chatted.. Laughed alot.. Haha. A break from my monotonous life. Yes, I did treat the four of them, but, wasn't a very big sum, and I dun think I'll be able to do again, so, cut the thanking and repaying, I've received it, and I appreciate it. U guys were excellent friends, more than excellent, more than words can describe. So, yeah.. Okay, cya..
12:15 AM
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Okay. What happens when I'm bored, with paper and a pencil beside me? Yeah, draw. I've done some sketching. Of our clique. It's a rather random, and a difficult task for me. I suck at human portrait, facial features, especially. Took quite some time to draw all of them and put on this post. Hope you guys enjoy my tribute.
First up. TIMOTHY. Okay, simplest of all. Got a pic, outline his features, put the specs on, and slap a cartoonish blur look and u get TEEMO!
Next was, MINGGUAN!! Cartoonizing mg is simply a chore. I had to redraw quite a few times to get it right. In the end, slapped an outline from a pic, throw in some facial features, and a open-mouth smile. The hair kinda suck. Hahaha... (I could only crop MG's face out for this, cos the other two are too big for me to resize.)
I tried drawing Ho Ming, but failed terribly.
Then is JING YING, I used the pic on Timo's birthday. Eyes doesn't seem right, did my best on the hair. But please be grateful that I didn't scribble on the paper with a black marker, take a pic, and upload here. =D

Then QIJING. I drew Doraemon first, intending to draw her portrait after that. But drawing the Doraemon seems to drain my "drawing power". So, couldn't continue drawing. =D Hahaha.. But anw, QIJING's substitute:

The rest, I'll find some time when I have my "drawing power" back. Did some sketches on Jovyne and Shunyi, but they failed badly. ( I meant the sketches, not the person, but to some extent, the person too. =DDDDD)
Okay, this concludes my post. Lunch tmr!! =D I have to go to work at 5, so no latecomers please!!!! K, cya!
1:51 AM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Okay. Now I'm in a dilemma. Should I get myself a guitar, or buy a new laptop myself? I have around $400+ in my bank now. I can get my guitar around mid-Feb. Laptop, I'll be getting my one soon, Acer Aspire One netbook, but it has been used by my sis, and she keeps playing maple on it. I am scared that the wifi is damaged, computer attack by viruses, and all. Just, doesn't feel like getting the computer. Besides, it doesn't have a cd drive, and no backup disc, so reformat is a no-no. Seriously, I want a new laptop, customize it to my own liking for the start. Damn it. It's bloody hard to ask my mum directly sia... Haiz.. Nvm..
9:11 PM
Monday, February 1, 2010
Okay, posting once again.. Nothing much to say. Just going by everyday, with a similar routine. BBQ was fun ytd. Junliang's magic show was fabulous, filled myself with lots of delicious food. Played a bit of cards. Then Susan sent me home, cos I helped her clean up. =D
Anw, now after looking at those JC people enjoy their orientation, I feel damn jealous!! They seem to have so much fun. Gosh. Can't wait for 12 Apr. SP Orientation!!! AHHHH!! 5 days of orientation. Looking forward to it. It will be meeting new friends, new environment, new CLOTHES, new teachers, new beginning. Just that I feel quite sad that no one from our school is going the same course with me, and none of our clique members are in SP. Lol. But I'm not regretting my choice. Lol. Okay ba, I wan go play X3 le. Tmr morning guitar. =DDD Cya...
10:35 PM